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Data Residency

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Our Canadian Data Residency Policy

All of our hosting services comes with a 100% Canadian Data Residency Policy (CDRP).

Unless there is a special agreement made with you, any data you upload to our servers will be on a server in Canadian soil. Period!

The exception

The only exception to the CDRP is our Anycast DNS Servers.

Anycast DNS provides several advantages (such as faster domain resolution time based on geographical location, redundancy, etc.) to our customers without compromising their data. Any DNS record within a domain's zone is public information that can be easily queried (Using DIG by anyone, anywhere. Regardless the DNS records are hosted in Canada or not.

Therefore, there are zero to minimal downsides in hosting your domain's DNS record outside of Canada.

To read more about Anycast DNS, click here

More details?

If you have additional questions regarding our Canadian Data Residency Policy, please use our Contact Form to send us a message!